Customs Declaration Service
CDS is accessed through the UK Government Gateway. Importers must register for CDS if they are to make UK customs declaration. This is not something that your freight forwarder or customs broker can do for you.
Register for HMRC services:
Once you’ve registered, you can sign up for CDS.
You’ll need the company’s:
EORI number that starts with GB.
For UK companies their Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR).
Address registered with HMRC.
Access will generally be granted within two hours, but it may be as long as five days.
Subscribe to use CDS:
Subscribing your Government Gateway user ID to the Customs Declaration Service will allow you to do things such as:
Submit import and export declarations using software.
Get your postponed import VAT statements or get your import VAT certificates so you can complete your VAT return.
Pay Customs Duty and import VAT.
Once the application has been submitted, CDS should be accessible in about two hours.
Paying charges to HMRC when using your CDS cash account:
You can view your account and manage who has permission to use it in your CDS registration in GOV.UK.
Cash can be added to your account to be used to pay import charges.
You need your payment reference to use this service. Your reference should begin with ‘CDSC’, followed by your 11-digit cash account number and can be accessed from your CDS account.