Goods Vehicle Movement Service
GVMS is used by HM Revenue & Customs and Border Force to control imports and exports via the roll-on roll-off ferry ports, e.g. Dover, and the Channel Tunnel. Each movement across the UK border requires a pre-lodged customs declaration, the details of which must be recorded in GVMS against the vehicle that is being used to transport the goods.
It is the responsibility of the haulier to ensure that all of the declarations associated with a goods vehicle are pre-notified within GVMS. The haulier must obtain the import/export entry reference numbers or the transit movement reference numbers (MRNs) for all the consignments carried by the vehicle, which will be combined into a single goods movement record (GMR).
Each GMR contains details for a single crossing by one vehicle and can be used only once. The haulier needs to present the GMR to the carrier at the frontier to prove that all their goods have pre-lodged declarations. GVMS can also be used for transit.
GVMS Process
Managing a Movement
Each part of the load, associated with its own CMR (Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road), must have a pre-lodged UK import or export. In addition, there must be a complementary pre-lodged export or import on the EU side. The UK export or import MRNs for each part of the shipment must be obtained and uploaded to GVMS by the haulier.
Check-in at the Port
The carrier uses GVMS to verify the GMR presented to them and cross-check the details to the vehicle. Vehicles will be turned away if a valid GMR cannot be presented.
Import Clearance
GVMS allows for automatic arrival in HM Revenue & Customs’ declaration system CDS. This happens as soon as the vehicle boards at the EU side. UK import declarations can be processed by UK Customs while the vehicle is in transit. When inbound goods are successfully cleared before they arrive in the UK, they will be allowed to quickly pass-through the border.
Potential Inspection
If the GVMS determines that an import movement requires inspection, a notification will be sent within 30 minutes after embarkation. If selected, the vehicles must report to a Customs Inspection Post on arrival. Border Force will update GVMS once the vehicle has been cleared.
GVMS was introduced in January 2021, but only for transit movements from the EU and for goods moving to Northern Ireland.
After January 2022, GVMS covered all imports and exports at UK port locations that have opted to use it. This includes Dover and the Channel Tunnel.
Potential Difficulties
Hauliers need to ensure that they have all the MRNs necessary to allow their vehicle to embark. Where there is a single load, there will be one UK import or export and only one broker to provide the necessary MRN.
In the case of multiple consignments, for example four shipments on the same vehicle as pictured above, this might require four different MRNs from four different agents which is bound to lead to difficulties and delays.