Import preference - 2022 proof of origin requirements for trade with the EU
Following Brexit, in 2021, the EU and UK customs authorities agreed that they would not initially request the proof of origin for goods where preferential tariff treatment was claimed. This changes in 2022, when importers must hold suitable proof of origin when they make such a claim.
The first arrivals at the new Ashford International Truckstop
Late by over eleven months, following its use as a temporary Border Control Post, the new Ashford International Truckstop finally opened its gates to HGVs today.
We look forward to welcoming our clients’ drivers knowing that they can now make use of the excellent facilities onsite, whilst at the same time collecting their transit documentation with a friendly face and a minimum of fuss.
New Ashford International Truckstop stands empty for the last time, finally opening this week
After being commandeered by Border Force at the beginning of 2021, as the official Sevington Border Control Post was still being built, the new Ashford International Truck stop finally opens this Tuesday at 6.00 a.m.
The old location was Kent's largest truckstop, with 400+ overnight secure spaces. It had won numerous awards, including "Truckstop of the Year", for its range of amenities and services.
The new location has 600+ spaces and it has greatly enhanced modern facilities.
Funny what you see going out under transit
In a change from the 100+ standard HGVs that collect transits from us in Sevington each day, today we had an old Bell 412 pass through on its way to the EU.
BBC News - A failure to understand that true import formalities aren’t being imposed yet
According to BBC News “Traditional continental Christmas markets that fill town squares and city centres across the UK will be smaller and less European this year”. If that is true, they will be far less European in 2022 when post Brexit import controls actually begin in the UK.
A brief guide to Incoterms®
The Incoterms® rules are the world’s essential terms of trade for the sale of goods. Whether you are filing a purchase order, packaging and labelling a shipment for freight transport, or preparing a certificate of origin at a port, the Incoterms® rules are there to guide you.
New phased approach to import controls for products of animal origin and animal by-products from the European Union (EU)
The Border Operating Model has been updated and confirms the UKs approach to import controls from July 2022.
Who should account for import VAT?
Will the incorrect treatment of import VAT cause companies to fail post Brexit?
Requirement for proof of origin in 2022 - Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP)
Procedures will tighten concerning the need to provide proof or origin, if preferential duty rates are to be claimed.
Less than 50 days to go before Brexit begins in earnest!
The days of importing without a customs declaration are numbered. The need for health certificates and presentation at a Border Control Post starts to become a reality. Procedures will tighten concerning the need to provide proof or origin, if preferential duty rates are to be claimed.
HMRC begins the process of pursuing importers who have not reported their shipments in 2021.
As a concession to importers in the twelve month’s following Brexit, declarations for goods brought into the UK from the EU could be delayed by up to 175 days. As a result of this “open border” policy, a large number of companies are known to have failed to register any imports. The UK Treasury has promised HMRC additional funding to pursue these non-compliant organisations and, as can be seen from the attached extract for a recent mail shot, the process has now begun.
A great picture of the Port of Dover
Our colleague Piers happened to be in Dover this week and took a great picture of the port, which we thought we would share.
A brief guide to customs clearance
Customs clearance is the process of declaring goods as they move through a border, whether importing or exporting. This is so that HM Revenue & Customs can gather statistical data on the country’s imports and exports, ensure that goods are travelling with the required licenses and certification and collect any taxes that are due on the goods concerned.
Customs clearance is also required when moving suspended goods outside of a customs-designated area, such as a bonded warehouse, or when cancelling an inward processing relief. This is because the goods have not yet been released into free circulation, and so another declaration is needed to pay the taxes or declare that the goods are moving to another location.
HM Revenue & Customs sets out 2022 time table
In its latest open letter to customs agents, HM Revenue & Customs has set out the timetable for increased import controls in 2022.
Less than 10 weeks before UK import controls begin
Less than 10 weeks remain until enhanced import controls are brought into effect in 2022. Pre-lodged import declarations will be required for all shipments and the penultimate phase of the staged rollout of port health checks will come into effect, with the final step expected in July 2022.
All of shipments of Products Of Animal Origin (POAO), Animal By-Products (ABP), and High Risk Food and Feed Not of Animal Origin (HRFNAO) will require pre-notification on the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS).
Community and Common Transit - UK offices list
UK offices where movements under the Community and Common Transit procedures can start and end.
The code for the offices of The Custom House, under UK South Consignor/Consignee is GB000246. The Port of Dover, the Channel Tunnel and the Sevington inland Border Control Post are GB000060.
Opening of New Ashford International Truckstop
The Custom House has operated from the site of the old Ashford International Truckstop for the past six-moths, whilst the new site was being used by Border Force as its temporary Border Inspection Post. It has finally been confirmed that the new site, with greatly enhanced and modernised facilities, will open with effect from 6.00 a.m. on Tuesday 7 December 2021. We look forward to welcoming our transit customers back to our main facility.
Goods Vehicle Management System
From January 2022, GVMS will be used by HM Revenue & Customs and Border Force to control imports and exports via the roll-on roll-off ferry ports and the Channel Tunnel.